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Inspired Childhood: Simple Play Spaces

I recently saw Emily post photos of her play room in the minimalism + motherhood Facebook group and I knew I had to ask her to share the inspiration with you here. 

"My children play so much better, more peacefully and for longer periods of time when they are not lost in a sea of toys. There is also less clean up which is nice because I spend less time cleaning and more time with my family"

 "It has made a world of difference to have a play room full of open ended toys!"

"Physical clutter is mental clutter and it's amazing to see how much better my children play in atmosphere that is free from clutter. It's also made us appreciate quality over quantity"

"A favourite is our Melissa and Doug rainbow stacker. That thing gets SO much love here!"

You can find Emily on Instagram @raisingtherussos

Join The Kids Summer Reading Club

As a mom, I look forward to warm Summer days with less of an agenda.  

I'm in the process of creating a Summer fun list - a big list of things that I would love to do together as a family this Summer - simple things like hikes, making homemade ice cream and running through the sprinkler. I'll be sure to share the completed list with you!

One thing we always keep up with over the Summer months is reading together.
  We'll plan trips to the library and maybe even take part in a Summer reading program.  

Summer is the perfect time to try Petit Mail, and this month, you can join the Summer Reading Club and receive a story postcard in the mail for June, July and August.

Reading Club for Kids

This special edition 3 month subscription is a great way to try Petit Mail. Each month, your child receives a colourful envelope in the mail, addressed in their name.  

The story postcard themes over the Summer are: 

Olivia Plants A Garden
Oliver Goes Camping
Olivia's Science Project

The full colour, double sided stories encourage reading skills, imagination, creative play and learning.  

Kids LOVE to receive mail of their very own. 

The Summer Reading Club costs $7 per month, $21 total (including postage costs - that's right, there are none of those hidden shipping charges at checkout!)

Don't delay - order by June 10 to join the club

pssssst: USA customers - do you want to know a secret?  Petit Mail is sold in Canadian dollars, so with today's exchange rate, Petit Mail costs less than 16 US. If you've been thinking about trying a subscription, now is a great time!