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Printable Postcard for Kids

Free Postcard Template

NJ and I love working on snail mail projects together.  It's a wonderful opportunity for us to have mommy-daughter time, plus we get to be creative.  We enjoyed our recent preschool Pen Pal exchange so much that I've been wanting to try other ideas to encourage letter-writing and discovering the joys of snail mail.

FREE Printable Postcards

With this month's Petit Mail postcard theme being recycling, I created a printable postcard template that can be glued to recycled cardboard - the front can then be decorated ANY way you want.  Try collage, painting, drawing - the sky is the limit.

Don't you love how they turned out? These free printable postcard templates, feature Petit Mail characters Oliver and Olivia.  Just sign up below to receive two free DIY postcard templates.

Want to Send Your Own DIY Postcard?
Sign up now to receive your 2 free printable postcard templates +
inspiration for creating your own DIY postcards.

Tips for Making Your Own DIY Postcard

You can divide this project into several parts, depending on how much time you have.  We made ours over 2 days.

The first day, we put together our postcard and NJ decorated the front of the cardboard with her own original design.

The second day, she decided who she wanted to send her postcard to, and wrote her note on the back. She is so much more motivated to practice her writing when we are working on projects like this!

Hope you have as much fun making your postcards as we did!

Postcards for Kids

Postcards for Kids

Happy Snail Mail,
