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Gardening With Kids

This month's Petit Mail story postcard theme is Olivia Plants a Garden.

Like you, I'm struggling to find quality moments to spend with NJ, especially during the week, and I want to make the most of our time together.  Now that the weather is FINALLY getting nicer here, we have an opportunity to get outside and explore.

Doesn't matter if you live in an apartment in the middle of the city, or in a home in the sprawling countryside, we can all find ways to interact with our kids using our Olivia Plants a Garden theme.
When your child's envelope arrives in the mailbox this month, here are some suggestions for simple activities to plan together after you read your story postcard.

1. Visit the Library to Look for Summer + Gardening Themed Books

A visit to your local library is a great activity for a rainy day.  NJ loves the library and does her thing, look for books, while I search for some books related to our monthly Petit Mail story card theme.  Here are some that we enjoyed for our planting a garden theme.

Gardening With Kids - Books for Inspiration

2. Plant a Seed or a Flower

Take a little outing to a local gardening centre or plant nursery.  There's lot's to see there! Pick up some seed packages or small plants - grow them in your window or a corner of your garden.  This year, we are trying carrots from seeds.  Follow the directions and have your little take responsibility for watering the seeds or plants as needed.

3. Gardening Set 

If you don't already have them - look for a small, inexpensive gardening play set.  I suggest a watering can, and a couple of child-sized garden tools.  These can be used for both indoor and outdoor garden play.

Plant a Garden With Your Kids

4. Make A Raised Garden Bed
Last year we took a leap and built a raised garden bed in our backyard.  It seems everywhere I look lately, families just like ours are trying their hand at urban gardening.

5. Visit a Botanical Garden
If you have a botanical garden in your area, make a weekend plan to go for a visit.  Many also offer children's programming and other fun ways to interact!

Get Inspired!
I regularly share inspiration for gardening with kids on my Gardening With Kids Pinterest board.  Be sure to follow me there for book ideas, easy planting and gardening ideas, garden crafts and more.

Inspiration to Garden with Kids

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