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How To: Nature Walk With Kids

Inspired by our Oliver Goes Camping Petit Mail story postcard, we've been going on a lot of simple nature walks this month. 

There are so many benefits to nature walks, including: 
  • getting outside
  • connecting with your kids
  • exploring with your kids
  • learning about the world around you

I love the beautiful simplicity of our nature collections. 

If this is something you don't normally think of, it's so simple and kids LOVE it.  Every weekend NJ now asks if we can go for a nature walk. 

Here are some of my simple tips 

How To: Nature Walk With Kids

1. Wear comfortable footwear

2. Bring a small bag, box or container for carrying your treasures

3. Take your time - this is not a walk for cardio exercise (at least not for you), it's a VERY leisurely stroll.  Go at their pace (sometimes painfully slow) and enjoy the process

4. Encourage your kids to keep their eyes open

5. Don't pick plants from other people's gardens

6. Keep it Simple - start in your own neighbourhood - a walking trail or park (if you have one nearby).  If they enjoy nature walks, you can expand into other areas of your city or town as part of a special outing

7. Name and describe things for your child - if you aren't sure what something is, try looking it up together when you get home

8. Have fun - if your child is enjoying the process, great.  If not, try again another day

Another option is to try a PHOTO nature walk.  Bring a camera with you and let your kids take photos of the things that interest them.  Kids LOVE cameras.  I'll be sharing more tips for our nature photos walks soon.

You can find more inspiration to GET OUTSIDE on the Camping with Kids Pinterest board.

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