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Holiday Gift Sets: Monthly Subscription for Kids

Back by popular demand, Petit Mail story postcard subscription Holiday Gift Sets are now available in the shop.

If you've been thinking about gifting a Petit Mail subscription, now is the perfect time to order.

Holiday Gift Set + Subscription Includes:

(+) A pre-packaged, double-sided Petit Mail story postcard - "Oliver Bakes Cookies" and envelope, ready for gifting or mailing.

(+) A gift subscription card and pre-ordered gift subscription for 3, 6 or 12 months (January start, or let us know that you'd like a different start month)

(+) Gift set postage costs included with your order for Canada and US addresses.

Petit Mail is a double-sided story postcard, mailed in a bright colorful envelope and addressed to your child each month, featuring the adventures of Oliver + Olivia.

How Petit Mail Works

With so much of our days filled with technology, it is a wonderful treat to receive real paper mail.
Give your child the gift of a monthly snail mail surprise.

Petit Mail provides something to look forward to receiving together and encourages quality time together as a family.

3, 6 or 12 month Canadian and US subscriptions cost $6 per month and all prices INCLUDE postage. International subscriptions are also available.

Story Card Themes (by month) Are:

January: Oliver Explores Art
February: Olivia's Pen Pal
March: Oliver Loves Reading

April: Olivia The Superhero
May: Oliver Goes Camping
June: Olivia Plants A Garden

July: Oliver Learns About Fossils
August: Olivia's Science Project
September: Oliver Recycles

October: Olivia Builds A Boat
November: Oliver's Puppet Show
December: Olivia Plays Dress Up

It's fun, affordable, and gives you a unique way to spend quality time with your kids. Let your story card inspire new ideas and new ways to play!