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What Really Matters?

I get asked this question all the time
"How do you do it all"?

I'm never quite sure how to respond.

I mean, what, exactly, is "it all"?
I used to provide a somewhat lengthy response

"oh, you know, I don't watch much TV....I have a very supportive husband who does a house isn't really that clean........etc".

Lately, I've changed my answer.  Now I say "you always have time for the things you put first".  It sums up all of the above, and more.  It says everything I want to say, without having to explain myself too much, and, most importantly, it's true.

Parenting is always a challenging undertaking.  As far as I can tell, that never stops.
There are beautiful, magical, heart-warming days, and there are days when you feel like you will never come up for air again.

Lately, I'm focusing more on the little moments with my kids. The moments that I feel I can have some control over.

These moments, the moments where I put down my technology and spent 15 minutes drawing with my daughter.
These moments, where we keep our weekends as free as possible so that we can enjoy family time together.
These moments, when the supper table is magically free from whining, stalling and other general unpleasantness and we can talk about our days.


I'm focusing here, in these moments, and it has made me a lot calmer, and a lot happier.

I'm putting quality time first.

I plan ahead, so I'm less rushed.
I schedule carefully, so we don't overcommit.
I say no to some things, to make room for other things.
Always full of big ideas, I save many of those ideas for later.  There will be time for those things, they don't all have to happen right now.
I try to let go when things don't go quite according to plan.
I simplify.
I make time for reading together. For playing together, even if that means that all of the laundry doesn't get finished today.
I make time for myself, which makes me a 100% better parent.

You always have time for the things you put first.

How Petit Mail Works

As a mom with young kids, I usually feel like I am in a race with the clock. 

Morning routines, bedtime routines. 
Endless negotiating. 
Trying to entertain, make a meal, tidy up, listen, diffuse tantrums, talk, remind.

Want to Spend More Time With Your Kids?
I Do. 

I have two kids ages 5 and 1. I'm right there with you.
I am constantly looking for ways to slow down and BE with them for a few moments. 
To remind myself to put down the technology. 
To be present.
To connect. 
My mission is to make it easier for you to connect with your kids through reading and creative play projects - delivered to your mailbox (yes, your mailbox, not your inbox!) each month.

Petit Mail is a double-sided story postcard, mailed in a bright colorful envelope and addressed to your child each month, featuring the adventures of Oliver + Olivia. 

How Petit Mail Works

Order: Choose from Canada, USA, or International subscription options. Ideal ages three to early reader. 

Receive: Check the mailbox together regularly, talk & connect, explore your surroundings

Read & Play Together: Read your story card & use the monthly adventure as inspiration for family time activities.  Spark your child's imagination and encourage creative play. Oliver's putting on a puppet show?  You can too! 

Purchase A Petit Mail Subscription

With so much of our days filled with technology, it is a wonderful treat to receive real paper mail.  

Give your child the gift of a monthly snail mail surprise.  
Petit Mail provides something to look forward to receiving together and encourages quality time together as a family. 

Canadian and US subscriptions cost $6 per month (or less) and all prices INCLUDE postage. International subscriptions are also available. 

It's fun, affordable, and gives you a unique way to spend quality time with your kids. Let your story card inspire new ideas and new ways to play!

Snail Mail for Kids

Each month, story postcards are:

(+) full colour, double-sided.
(+) printed on thick, quality cardstock.
(+) packaged in bright, fun colourful envelopes featuring stamps, embossing & tape.
(+) some months include little extras, like stickers & other goodies.

Want to Know More About Petit Mail?

I create Petit Mail with my heart + soul.  Read more about how I was inspired to create this unique way to make small moments with your kids more meaningful.